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7-day forecast for Boston, MA

todayOctober 9
Partly Sunny
Partly sunny63 °/49 °
tuesOctober 10
Showers64 °/50 °
wedOctober 11
Partly Sunny
Partly sunny65 °/50 °
thursOctober 12
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly cloudy64 °/52 °
friOctober 13
Partly Sunny
Partly sunny61 °/50 °
satOctober 14
Showers58 °/51 °
sunOctober 15
Rain58 °/51 °


HIGH 63° / LOW 46°

  • feels like44°F
  • humidity79%
  • precipitation20%
  • wind6 MPH SSW
  • visibility10 MI

Hourly Forecast

Partly Cloudy48°20%8AM

Previous weather stories

See photos and videos of flash flooding in New York City

Heavy rainfall in New York City and the surrounding region Friday morning caused flash flooding, forcing subway lines to close, delaying flights, and turning major roadways into rivers.

Forecast | Dave Epstein

Expect a damp and rainy Saturday, with warm weather returning early next week

On Saturday, areas south of the Mass Pike will see the most accumulation of rain during the day. Nobody is going to have a bright, sunny day.

Wet weekends put a damper on events and plans across region

After experiencing its second wettest summer on record, the Boston area has entered a similarly damp fall, with showers last weekend causing a slew of cancellations.

Tropical Storm Rina forms in the Atlantic Ocean

Tropical Storm Rina formed in the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday, the National Hurricane Center said, as forecasters continued to monitor another tropical storm at sea.

Forecast | Dave Epstein

Here’s how El Niño may impact our coming winter

No matter which winter prediction you look at, nobody really knows what’s going to happen, but there are some variables we can consider to help us understand what could happen in the coming months.

Forecast | Dave Epstein

October and leaf-peeping season off to a dry, warm start

The next 10 days represent a much drier pattern in New England than what we've seen in recent weeks, just in time for trees across the region to complete their seasonal transformations.

Soggy start to the week, but rain expected to taper off

Keep an umbrella handy, because rain is in the forecast for Monday.

Forecast | Dave Epstein

Tropical system arrives this weekend, but how much rain it brings to Mass. depends on how far north it moves

There are still some questions, even at this late hour, about how much rainfall we’re going to see this weekend.