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Here are the top 20 frequent flyers and biggest carbon polluters out of Hanscom Field, report says

Private jets, public consequences
Reporter David Abel looks into the increased use of private jets at Hanscom Field in Bedford and the potential environmental impacts.

A new report analyzing private jet activity out of Hanscom Field identified the top 20 frequent flyers out of New England’s largest noncommercial airport, listing estimates for how much carbon pollution those jets emitted.

The report by the Institute for Policy Studies, released Monday, analyzed 18 months of flight data from Hanscom starting in January 2022, and found that these 20 private jets accounted for 10 percent of all private jet activity out of Hanscom and 14 percent of all Hanscom private jet emissions.

Private jets are commonly owned by limited liability companies, corporations, trusts, or other modes of indirect ownership, the report stated. The report identified the person registered as the aircraft or LLC’s owner as one of the most likely users of the plane, however, many jet owners regularly lend or rent their jets, the authors wrote.


The report’s authors said they were unable to catalog every flight from Hanscom, as some private jet owners have succeeded in persuading the Federal Aviation Administration to exclude their planes from public-tracking registries. Four Boston-area billionaires, including Boston Globe owner John Henry, Robert Kraft, Jim Davis, and Paul Fireman, have had their jets removed from the public registry, the authors said.

See whose jets produced the most emissions.

Sahar Fatima can be reached at Follow her @sahar_fatima.